addons SGM's Vehicle Combat Suite Leak


Nouveau membre
22 Août 2022
Pseudo RP
Dino Amara


SGM's VCS introduces multiple new ways for police vehicles to be effective in vehicular combat. By outfitting the elite members of your police force with drop spikes, wheel grabbers, and GPS trackers, you can ensure no criminal will easily get away when they're around.
With a fairly simple configuration file you can ensure that your police force's new tools are effective but not overpowered.
Automatic Vehicle Detection

  • Utilizing automatic detection methods, cop cars are now equipped with drop spikes and GPS tracker darts by default.
  • This same detection method is used to disable friendly-fire in certain scenarios
  • This detection method can be overwritten by a specific list of vehicles instead if desired
Rank/Job Detection
  • If desired, you can easily restrict these combat systems to certain jobs and additionally to specific server ranks
✂️Drop Spikes✂️
  • Drop spikes are an effective way to stop any criminal's car
  • Pull in front of them and drop the spikes, after a brief second the spikes will fully expand to take up an entire lane of the road
  • If the criminal is not quick enough to react, their tires will begin to burst on impact (VCMod only)
  • If the threshold of damaged tires is met (or if VCMod damage is not enabled), their car will spin out of control, giving you a chance to move in and surround their vehicle
Wheel Grabber
  • When spikes are too dangerous to use, the wheel grabber is an excellent option
  • Approach from behind their car and lower your grabber, once you make contact with one of their tires it will lock up and leave you attached
  • Once attached, slowly begin to pull against their car until reaching a complete stop
  • If you take too long, the grabber will automatically close and detach you from their car, but their wheel will remain locked up
  • If the criminal manages to survive your grab for long enough, their wheel will be freed
  • Wheel grabbers are manually added in the configuration file on a per vehicle basis, there are a few default positions for common cars included
GPS Tracker
  • If you'd rather deal with your target later, GPS trackers are a great option
  • Pull up behind their car, fire off the automatically attaching tracking device, and go on with your day
  • The tracker will periodically update its position on the HUDs of the jobs/ranks set in the configuration file
  • After a set amount of time the tracker will disappear, allowing the criminal to slip back into the shadows
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Nouveau membre
22 Août 2022
Pseudo RP
Dino Amara
une quoi ? jai pas mis de skin de porte moi ! Quesque tu raconte toi jai juste trouver l'addon sur l'internet que Jai republier es voila